December 12, 2011

So this is Christmas...

People think it is only a nice simple holiday, but only Santa and the marketers know that this is just the best time of the year for buying and spending large amounts of money. We all want to make us, our families and our friends happy, we are always busy and trying to find an easy way to get the perfect gifts. This is the part where the sweet and magical adverts intervene, they seem to come with the answer you were looking for. It's not always a rational reason behind these ads, but " who cares, it's Christmas". 

It does not really matter anymore that you were a bad boy, a cruel mother or a disobedient citizen, because Christmas makes you feel that you are a better person now and you deserve the best...

March 17, 2011

Fashion ADvertising

When it comes to fashion advertising changes! No more rules, no more limits!
 As a branch of advertising, it focuses on creating promotions for the fashion industry. 
Fashion ads promote a lifestyle just as much as the product, teaching consumers to associate a particular brand with a specific lifestyle and social class. The tone and content of ads may vary, depending on which market the company is trying to target, ranging from very wealthy individuals to people with less disposable income who could still be a valuable customer base.



Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin


Herve Leger


Tess Van Ghert




March 1, 2011

Social Advertising

People in Need
People in Need

You dont want to tell this story to your children, do you?

Dont smoke. Your body is your home.


Stop consuming your body !

They werent born to be worn.

February 18, 2011

Sex in ads

Advertisers use this attribute by trying to associate their products and services with sexy imagery hoping that some of the hotness gets attached to their brand in the consumer's subconscious mind. However abusing your audience's attention is a dangerous thing. Showing skin to get attention and then trying to sell completely unrelated products may backfire. Another thing to be cautious about is how much nudity is sufficient to grab eyeballs and what is too much thus considered offending. This is of course a cultural question. Usually the more religious your target market the less accepted it is to show bare body parts. For these reasons one needs to be careful where and how to use sex in advertising.